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If you're curious about what to expect during a Reiki session with me, let me give you a general overview.
When you arrive, we'll begin by having a conversation about how you're doing physically, mentally, and emotionally. If this is your first time seeing me, I'll ask you to fill out a health form to help identify areas that may need extra attention, and to track your progress in future sessions. From there, we'll allow the conversation to guide the session. Whatever comes up during our discussion is usually what we need to focus on. After our chat, I'll invite you to lie down on a comfortable table fully clothed, or stay seated if you prefer. I'll ask you to close your eyes and begin to relax.
During the session, I'll place my hands on or near various areas of your body with the intention of channeling energy to promote relaxation, balance, and healing. Reiki is a non-invasive and gentle therapy that's suitable for people of all ages.
While receiving Reiki, you may experience sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a feeling of deep relaxation. Many people report emotional releases, insights, and shifts in their physical or emotional state. To enhance the Reiki experience, I may also use other techniques such as visualization, affirmations, or crystal chakra balancing. However, it's important to note that Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment, and should be used as a complementary therapy to support the body's natural healing process.
After the session, we'll sit down together and share what each of us experienced during the Reiki. Overall, a Reiki session can be a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
After a Reiki session allow yourself some time to process the experience. It's common to depart with a mix of emotions, numerous thoughts, and creative ideas, which may leave you feeling either relaxed or fatigued. It's likely that your mind and body will require some time to navigate through these experiences.
The energy may take a couple of days to integrate and settle within your physical being. During this time, you should gradually experience a sense of lightness and increased overall ease in your life. I recommend nurturing your physical and energetic well-being through simple practices such as: resting when necessary, staying well-hydrated, and utilizing journaling or other means of expressing and processing any emerging emotions or thoughts.
In essence, what to expect after a Reiki session is a unique and highly individual experience. It's a journey of healing and self-discovery that continues long after the session ends.
The frequency of Reiki sessions is a highly individual matter. Trust yourself and your inner wisdom to guide you. Embrace the notion that there can never be too much positive energy in your life. As you navigate your unique path with Reiki, you'll discover that it's not just a practice but a transformative and empowering journey toward holistic well-being.
The true answer lies within you. Reiki is not just about physical or energetic healing; it's also about reconnecting with your inner self and intuition. It's about listening to what your heart and soul are telling you.
During a Reiki Session or a Intuitive Card Reading profound spiritual messages often find their way to those who seek them. It's a fascinating dance between our earthly presence and the ethereal energies that surround us, These messages might come from spirit guides, they could be gentle nudges from guardian angels offering guidance and sometimes, they even arrive as loving whispers from our departed loved ones, bridging the gap between this world and the next.
What's remarkable is that this connection isn't confined to the practitioner alone; it's a shared journey between the recipient and the spiritual realms. It's an invitation to trust your intuition, to be open to the possibility of receiving guidance and comfort from the unseen.
Before the session begins I always ask the recipient if they are open to receive messages from their divine team, if the answer is no that is perfectly ok! Reiki is always about creating a safe space and respecting the comfort of the person who is receiving the energy.
Please note that Reiki is not meant as a substitution for medical care. Should you require medical attention, please seek it immediately.
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